How to use simulated time with a rosserial node (arduino)?
I have arduino serially connected to to my computer. Ros fails to connect to the serial node unless **use_sim_time** parameter is set to **false**.
View ArticlePointcloud is only being published playing a certain bagfile
I'm writing a node that subscribes to rectified stereo images from stereo_image_proc and the camera_info from the camera node. It processes the images (using openCV) to compute and publish the camera...
View ArticleROS node not publishing at the right frequency.
I am trying to publish an odom message. If i set the rate to 10 then it should publish at a frequency of 10Hz but it is publishing at 50000Hz. I have sim-time turned off. I am using a virtual machine...
View Articleira_laser_tools merger doesn't subscribe to topics from laser in gazebo
Hey together, please see edit #1 and #2. The node for the laser scanner won't subscribe to the topics given in its parameters in the launch file. But the scan topics are published correctly. I am...
View ArticleInteractive Marker with rosbag "ROS Time moved backwards"
I'm using rqt_bag to visualize a rosbag in RViz. Independently of that, I publish a interactive marker that changes colors based on a topic being published. This works well, until I move backwards in...
View ArticlePython Process Died Exit Code -11
I have a node, "", that is run via a roslaunch file and unexpectedly dies when I run it. I have two clues to offer: 1) The following is part of what I see in the roslaunch terminal...
View ArticleHow to Run Multiple Gazebo Simulations with Unique Clocks
As a follow on to my previous question: I'm trying to run multiple Gazebo simulations on one machine,...
View ArticleWhy could the time stamp for my bumper plugin be zero?
HI, I've got a bumper plugin on the `r_foot` link of the Atlas robot. The plugin publishes correct data to the topic, but the sec & nsec values in the header are always 0. I tried using the...
View Articletf::TransformListener gets wrong tf
Hello, TL;DR tf::TransformListener gets a different transform than shown in RVIZ I am having quite a strange problem. I am using a rosbag file to playback recorded data and I am adding new transforms...
View ArticleRosbag and simulated time
Hello all, I am trying to run a bag file if simulated time but I am not succeeding on it. Here is what happens: After I run the bag file with the command rosbag play --clock -l laser_scanner3.bag I am...
View ArticleConvert legacy logs to ROS bag
Is there a way to convert legacy logs to ROS bags? I have a set of sensors logs that were recorded before my project started using ROS. I am now converting everything to use ROS, but I still want to...
View ArticlePublish at the time of a vector
Dears, I have a vector containing double type numbers representing the ros time that I recorded from a previous simulation. I need to publish data of a node at this given time. I try to explain better:...
View ArticleGazebo is not publishing clock
My Gazebo is not publishing the clock anymore. I don't know what I did wrong. A few days ago it worked, but not anymore. "use_sim_time" is set to true (`rosparam get use_sim_time` returns true) The...
View ArticleHow to publish messages on a topic of type rosgraph_msgs/Clock?
Hello! I want to give values to a topic with this type of mesage (rosgraph_msgs/Clock) I create a variable called "reloj" for example: rosgraph_msgs::Clock reloj; How do I give a value to that...
View Articleuse_sim_time only for some of the running nodes
Is there some way to enable `use_sim_time` only for dedicated nodes? I have a scenario in which a node should use the simulated time published on `/clock` while at the same time other nodes are running...
View ArticleAnother question about extrapolation in the past
Hello all, That's a question that has been asked multiple times but none of the solution have worked so far. I'm playing data from a rosbag and when trying to query the tf I have this error: [ERROR]...
View ArticleROS2 clock stuck within inhereted class
Hello everyone, my clock always stuck at the moment the node start for the following code. I mimic the coding style of the demo talker node. Am I doing anything wrong? #include #include...
View ArticleHow use_sim_time works?
I am currently working on VIORB SLAM which using both camera and imu. I have to make the system work without ROS, but currently I successfully run the recorded datasets using use_sim_time only. This...
View ArticleWARNING: no messages received and simulated time is active. Laser Scan Matcher
ROS Kinetic - Ubuntu 16.04 Looking this up, all the forum posts I can find are either about gazebo or don't really have an answer. Laser Scan Matcher node takes an input and produces an output. The...
View ArticleWhy isn't ROS using its own clock server for live situations?
I'm well aware of the fact that if you run ROS nodes on multiple machines, you will need to synchronize system clocks between them ( I...
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