Is it safe to change system date/time during execution
Reading on how ros Time is implemented, it looks like it uses system wall-time. []( Would it be safe to change system time when ros nodes are...
View ArticleProcess blocking when using rosbags and rate sleep
Hi ! I'm launching a rosbag file from a launch. At the start of the launch I have: then I call the rosbag as: ` Finnally I call the node that I'm debugging: ` In my node localization3d_node, the...
View Articlesimulating sensor data, problem with rosbag and clock
Hello I wrote a simple simulator that generates sensor data (ideal values plus some noise). My goal is to test my localization algorithms (EKF). It seems to work, but I am having problems with...
View ArticleClock - How to change it?
Hi, I've been trying to work in simulation from massages that I have already recorded in a bag file, but I allways get warn messages saying that it is not possible to use the data because it is too...
View ArticleTransformListener Could not find a common time /base_link and /map
I recorded bags on different computers/robots during an experiment and now I'm trying to replay them. All computers were synchronized with chrony. Now, I play all bags with the same rosbag command....
View Articleclock model not displayed in gazebo
Hi everyone, I was going through gazebo tutorial at : , when I launch empty world I didn't see clock model, only gplane and point_white is being shown. I...
View Articlerosbag --clock time for files recorded on a different machine
I ran rosbag record on a laptop to produce a bag file. However, all of the nodes producing the topics were on my robot's computer (i.e., on the same network, but not on the same machine). I am now...
View Articleoctomap_server doesn't create map
I'm trying to let the octomap_server create a map from my Pointcloud2 messages. The pointcloud gets a transform, the header frame_id is correct and the header and the transform use the same timestamp....
View ArticleWhy isn't rospy.Rate.sleep() terminating?
Hi, I have written a python script which takes two tf frames and writes the transform between them to a file. The abbreviated code of the script looks like this: listener = tf.TransformListener() #...
View ArticleHow to configure /clock topic in launch file - costmap_2d
Hi, I have this case, when I use `rosrun costmap_2d costmap_2d_node` everything works fine and I get my costmap. But I tried to run this node from a launch file, but this warning appears in the log: [...
View ArticleHow can I run Gazebo and the real PR2 simultaneously?
Hello, I try to run a Gazebo simulation of a physical environment and the (real) PR2 at the same time. Running the PR2 first and launching Gazebo then leads to a broken PR2 connection (Dashboard...
View Articlemove_base changes clock of mapping node
Hi, i am using stage to simulate two robots. Mapping runs, but if i start move_base for the first roboter, its tf stops working. So i researched a little bit and found out that if i start move_base for...
View ArticleHow can I get real-time/simulation-time ratio?
Hi, I am doing a simulation in Stage, and I want to compare the performance with and without stage window. With GUI there is the clock, which shows the real-time/simulation-time ratio. But, how can I...
View ArticlePublish a Clock - time stuff in ROS
Hello ROS community ! I have question about Time in ROS (I'm in Fuerte on Ubuntu 12.04). Let me explain the situation : I have a basic simulator written with ROS, that receive an /action topic, publish...
View Articlerosbag not publishing clock
I recorded some bagfiles with different experiments, then using the rosbag cookbook I change some timestamps ( Now when playing back the new bagfiles, the clock...
View ArticleHow can I reset the simulated clock?
I have a simulator running which publishes the `/clock` topic, and I have the `/use_sim_time` parameter set to true. When I start my ROS core and run the simulator the first time, things run normally....
View ArticleHow to launch rxbag or rqt_bag with the --clock option
Hello I am launching the playback of a bag file using rosbag play. Because I want to emulate the clock at the time of recording I use the --clock option along with the use_sim_time=true parameter...
View ArticleDoes ros::Duration::sleep spin?
If I do ros::Duration::sleep does ros spin and are callback functions called? If not is there a way to pause the program while still managing callbacks?
View Articleclock problems with bag files
Hi, I am experiencing some problems here with bag files. I am running simulations with a bag file, I set --clock and use_sim_time true and yes I get the WARNING message when trying to run some nodes....
View ArticleErrors after running roswtf (specifically for ackermann_vehicle and...
Hi ! I'm trying to get my head around ROS and Gazebo, specifically for the Ackermann Steering type of vehicles. I had a look at wonderful discussions held by the Ackermann Interest Group here. I have...
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